July 26, 2024 Comments Off

Lagos Blue Showers: Gorgeous for Interiors, But Not Ideal for Showers Frederick M Hueston StoneForensics.com Hey there! If you’ve been admiring Lagos Blue Limestone for your home, you’re not alone. This stone, with

July 25, 2024 Comments Off

What’s Up with the Holes in Travertine? Frederick M Hueston  StoneForensics.com If you’ve ever checked out travertine, you probably noticed something pretty unique: those natural holes and pits scattered all over the surface.

July 24, 2024 Comments Off

The Advantages of Using Urethane Caulking for Exterior Tile Installations in Outdoor Environments Frederick M Hueston StoneForensics.com Exterior tile installations face numerous challenges, especially when exposed to harsh outdoor environments. Factors like temperature

July 24, 2024 Comments Off

Ceramic vs. Stone Tile Installation: A Guide for Installers Frederick M Hueston   StoneForensics.com Choosing the right tile for a project involves more than just picking a style—it also requires understanding the specific installation

July 23, 2024 Comments Off

How to Identify and Treat Mold, Algae, and Lichens on Stone Surfaces Frederick M Hueston  StoneForensics.com   Have you ever noticed different types of growths on stone surfaces and wondered what they are?

July 9, 2024 Comments Off

Monitoring Dew Point on Stone Surfaces to Prevent Condensation Issues Frederick M Hueston  StoneForensics.com When dealing with stone surfaces in buildings, especially where there are occupied spaces below, like basements or lower-floor apartments,

July 8, 2024 Comments Off

Is Marble Stone Flooring Restoration Destructive? Understanding the Impact Frederick M Hueston  StoneForensics.com When considering the upkeep of marble stone flooring, restoration is a topic that often comes up. Homeowners and property managers

July 8, 2024 Comments Off

Debunking the Myth: Do Hollow-Sounding Tiles Signal an Imminent Floor Failure? Frederick M Hueston  StoneForensics.com When you tap on your tile flooring and hear a hollow sound, it's natural to worry about the

July 8, 2024 Comments Off

Understanding the Difference Between Bonding and Coverage in Tile Installation Frederick M Hueston  StoneForensics.com When it comes to tile installation, two critical concepts often misunderstood or used interchangeably are bonding and coverage. Although

July 3, 2024 Comments Off

The Dynamics of Facial Cracking: Addressing Expansion and Settlement in Wall Tiles Frederick M Hueston  StoneForensics.com Facial cracking in wall tiles is a common issue in residential and commercial buildings, often resulting in