
About Stone Forensics

Stone Forensics has earned international regard as a foremost and respected authority in the industry.

Over the past few decades Stone Forensics has gained national renown for providing knowledgeable stone, tile, concrete, and masonry consultation services, including inspection and failure analysis, historic preservation, and consultation services. In addition, Stone Forensics provides training and education to professionals in the stone industry regarding marble and other natural stone, tile, terrazzo, facades, and other surfaces.

Stone Forensics specializes in non-destructive testing, expert witness, specifications, restoration and maintenance, safety (HAZCOM), insurance claims, and infrared photography.

About Fred Hueston, Founder and President of Stone Forensics

Author of over 30 books, instructional videos, and hundreds of articles on stone installation, care, and restoration in both the United States and foreign publications and journals, Fred Hueston is a world-renowned industry expert. Besides being the founder of Stone Forensics, he is a Certified Master Stone Craftsman and Architectural Conservator. He has appeared on several television shows, including the Discovery Channel, HGTV, and local talk shows. Fred provides training to those in the industry as well. In addition to his course training stone inspectors, Fred brings a wealth of expertise to the SurpHaces Learning Institute as the Director and instructor.

Fred’s background in biology, chemistry and physics provides a unique understanding of issues relevant to stone, tile and other surfaces. His background includes serving as a research assistant for the University of Florida and leading several large environmental research projects for Walt Disney World. And, very relevant to concerns today, he understands how mold, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens are spread and controlled.

Fred’s Accomplishments
  • Certified Master Stone Craftsman & Architectural Conservator
  • Former Director for the National Training Center for Stone & Masonry Trades and instructor for master and senior level craftsman certification
  • Chief Technical Director for SurpHaces and the SurpHaces Learning Institute
  • Founding member of the International Association of Stone Restoration and Conservation (IASRC)
  • Former Technical Editor for Stone World Magazine
  • Instructor for Certified Marble and Stone Inspectors (IICRC)
  • Certified Instructor for The International Surface Fabricators Association
  • Frequently presents seminars and presentations for stone, tile and historical associations.
  • A syndicated newspaper columnist: ‘Around the House’ for several papers across the US
  • Has served as technical advisor, consultant and expert witness for numerous projects across the US, Canada, Asia and Europe.
  • Technical Director for Safeandcompliant.net
  • 30 Hour OSHA Certified
  • Hosts the weekly blog radio show, The Stone and Tile Show

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